And no movie captures a hot day in New York better than Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing.
This comes close enough, though.
Nothing makes me think of hot days in New York like the 2002 July 4th Yankee's game. IIRC, one umpire went down in the 5th inning of heat exhaustion and they went one short until the home plate umpire keeled over in the 7th. That's when we decided to get the hell out of there and head over to Brooklyn to watch the fireworks.
By the way - is it true what I hear that Big Stein is refusing to allow people to stand and leave their seats during God Bless American (7th inning stretch)? I hate that damn show-tune and the morons who think it's a stand-up and remove-the-cap type of song and would refuse to stand for it.
Frankly, I can't believe that they still play that at the 7th Inning stretch - I thought they would be past that by now.
Cole Slaw Blog is maintained by two grown adults who have been known to order Georgia Reubens. For lovin' or bile, contact us at coleslawblog (at) gmail.
Nothing makes me think of hot days in New York like the 2002 July 4th Yankee's game. IIRC, one umpire went down in the 5th inning of heat exhaustion and they went one short until the home plate umpire keeled over in the 7th. That's when we decided to get the hell out of there and head over to Brooklyn to watch the fireworks.
By the way - is it true what I hear that Big Stein is refusing to allow people to stand and leave their seats during God Bless American (7th inning stretch)? I hate that damn show-tune and the morons who think it's a stand-up and remove-the-cap type of song and would refuse to stand for it.
Frankly, I can't believe that they still play that at the 7th Inning stretch - I thought they would be past that by now.
that's amazing. the best part is when Big Bird falls. and the Snuffy drive-bys.
earlier I thought I was taking a bath but then realized I was merely outside.
update my link foolios. unless i no longer know how to right, or am no longer a New Yorker.
fucking a, nevermind. you just named it something different.
and...i'm an asshole.
by the way, it makes me really happy that someone took time out of their day to do this
Not only did you get your link, the alphabet makes it the first one.
I'm also proud that I thought up Cercopithecoidea Are in My Trousers. That assumes Old World monkeys.
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