Friday, February 15, 2008


Every day, but most especially on Valentine's Day, I love the anonymous people who read this site, as well as our many googlers looking for cole slaw recipes and the sex-fetish guidance erroneously implied by this site's vulgar metaphors.



Anonymous said...

To be clear, that wasn't sarcasm. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Wait - there's vulgar metaphors here?

Oh. My bad.

Anonymous said...

Our top google hits include a one-word phrasing that I crafted when discussing The Secret of My Success. It describes a man involved in acts of love with his aunt. Another top term has illegal and highly uncomfortable implications, though it was an innocent reworking of a James Joyce title. Another involves Janet Jackson's womanly parts. Combined, they're probably 5-10% of our traffic.

Unknown said...

cole slaw recipes

Now that you brought it up, do you have any?

Anonymous said...

A few months in, when it was clear that a lot of misguided gourmands were finding their way to this blog, I posted a bunch of links to exotic slaw. You can find your recipes here:

Anonymous said...

And those three terms are....

(feel free to hit me at if you really don't want to publish them again).

In the meantime allow me to leave you with this piece of awesomeness:

Yes - you can say thank you at your leisure.