Monday, November 07, 2005

Spinachdip, R.I.P.

The kinder, gentler blog named after a vegetable appetizer but not about vegetables has decided to put away the cornballs and bring the party to an end.

This is a shame, not only because he's the only fully functional blogger who links to us on a semi-regular basis. While most New York blogs are prone to sneering, snarking and celebrity, Spinachdip wrote with enthusiasm and thoughtfulness. Like us, his content was unpredictable and arbitrary, alternating between posts about sports, intoxication, music and current events. Unlike us, he generally wrote about things that he likes instead of things that got under his skin.

The good news is that he'll soon be turning his attention to a sort of collective blogging project called decent content, which I anticipate will be decent in both quality and spirit.

When you see a blog named after a vegetable appetizer but not about vegetables confront its own mortality, it inevitably makes you question the mortality of your own blog named after a vegetable appetizer but not about vegetables.

While a sort of intensity and perfectionism has occasionally made me question the long-term viability of this project, I also like the sort of immediacy that a blog provides. As those of you familiar with my struggles to finish writing the 3,000-page novel about the Peace of Westphalia know all too well, my larger projects spin completely out of control. When I post about how the Real World-Road Rules Challenge speaks to the judicial confirmation process, I can only second guess so much.

Now, sadly, we have cornered the market on the blogs named after vegetable appetizers but not about vegetables, and probably will for the foreseeable future.

God speed, Spinachdip.


pete said...

can't get enough of those blogs named after food!

have a donut.

badly drawn boykins said...

Thanks for the, um, obit. I don't deserve it but I'll take it.

Flop said...

Obviously, I was desperate for content.

Flop said...

Also, you've been eulogozing other blogs for weeks. I thought blog eulogies were the new meme. (Plus, you actually were the only non-friend site that linked to us.)

Pete: Any sites named after vegetables but not about vegetables? I only like donuts when I'm hung over.