Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Cover the world in coleslaw

We get occasional visits from people who actually think we're a blog about coleslaw and apparently are looking for recipes. We will never be a definitive resource for the bluejeans of appetizers, but in an attempt to help out misdirected googlers, here are some links to a few coleslaw recipes.

A nice lady named Recipe Gal has, appropriately, a page full of crazy coleslaw recipes. Apple coleslaw! Asian coleslaw! Chinese coleslaw! Coconut coleslaw! Indonesian coleslaw! Southwestern coleslaw!

A site called also likes slaw. Cole Slaw Nation, tickle your tastebuds with papaya coleslaw (it's Hawaiian), kohlrabi coleslaw (it's German), and Amish coleslaw (made without electricity).

Flop will take a side of the apple jicama slaw, please. Respectfully, broccoli slaw will make a person vomit, but we all can enjoy an order of asparagus slaw to go with a 4 a.m. slice.

Thanks for googling us, and happy slawing.

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