Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Jump to conclusions

I was looking across the vast expanse of the office in which I ply my non-blogging trade recently, and was struck with one of those sudden fits of familiarity. Not deja vu, but the thing when your subconscious alerts you that you've just seen something noteworthy. A double-take confirmed it. One of my co-workers is a dead ringer for Tom Smykowski, the character in Office Space who gets a settlement from an auto accident and uses his windfall to realize his dream of inventing a game called "Jump to Conclusions" in which players jump onto a mat labeled "conclusions."

Anyway, dude was a dead ringer.

On a related note, we're in development talks for Cole Slaw Blog: Vice City. It should be available for the XBox and PS2 this fall. I can't give too much away, but think of it as SimCity meets Grand Theft Auto. But with blogging.

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