Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Dadaist spam

Some of the spam I get is more interesting than the intentional e-mails. If you've ever gotten an e-mail from my co-blogger and compared it to one sent by a Nigerian spammer, you know what I mean.

One piece of spam this morning offered the following gems, in between appeals to lose 20 inches from my waist.
Horses write long love letters to misers. Finite element fanatics wish to dance with district attorneys. Most aristocrats feel that the employers complain about shepherds.

Hot dog vendors look down upon Bubbas. English students have just broken up with geochemists. I read on the Goodyear blimp today that Cray users fight Europeans.

Windsurfers torture notary publics. Phrenologists pester pushers. During the debate, Ann Richards maintained that the bestselling authors panic the insurance agents.

Supreme Court judges own caffeine addicts. Grandfathers could learn from lawyers. Cattle are reincarnated as pornographers.

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