Monday, August 29, 2005

Wash. Post columnist: NASCAR is evidence of intelligent design

Via Atrios, we learn today that Washington Post sports columnist Sally Jenkins unironically believes that professional athletes are living evidence of intelligent design.

She is so unsarcastic. So painfully, insanely unsarcastic.

Schwartz wants to launch a study of NASCAR drivers, to better understand their extraordinary focus. He finds Darwinism, as it applies to a high-performance athlete such as Tony Stewart, to be problematic. To claim that Stewart's mental state as he handles a high-speed car "is a result of nothing more than random processes coming together in a machine-like way is not a coherent explanation," Schwartz said.

Instead, Schwartz theorizes that when a great athlete focuses, he or she may be "making a connection with something deep within nature itself, which lends itself to deepening our intelligence." It's fascinating thought. [sic]

"It's fascinating thought" if you're a retard.


evil girl said...

come on now, the theory of evolution is clearly flawed. after all, if it really worked, why would we be left with any nascar fans, including sally jenkins, contaminating the gene pool?

life is clearly the work of the flying spaghetti monster.

Flop said...

It's really too bad. She's an excellent sports columnist. She avoids a lot of the hackery and puffery that fill most sports pages. Sigh.