Sunday, May 22, 2005


I am now speculating that the President may not be a total moron. Is it possible that he plays stupid for a domestic audience the way Nixon played crazy for diplomatic consumption? Probably not, but it makes you wonder.


Anonymous said...

The really scary thing is that he might actually be thinking he's the 21st Century equivalent of the Iron Chancellor. What's even scarier is wondering who will be Wilhelm to his Bismarck.

Anonymous said...

I tried to leave my identity in the above comment, but Blogger didn't take it.

The Redwood Dragon

Flop said...

Thanks for the comment and for your very interesting post. That portion of the transcript was quite the find. I still doubt that he's a calculating mastermind, I'm just stunned that he'd read John Lewis Gaddis, much less question him. I'd be curious to hear more about Gaddis's impressions of the president's thinking, but I suppose it would be inappropriate for him to disclose that.

Anonymous said...

I'm still skeptical about whether C-Plus Augustus actually read the book, or rather a Cliff's Notes version excerpted by some 24-year-old, bowtied, wannabe-Tucker-Carlson and willfully misconstrued what Gaddis meant by "breathtakingly simple." Probably thought it was a compliment.

Although it's becoming disconcertingly clear that he does, in fact, view himself as a latter-day Bismarck (not that he'd ever use such an "Old Europe"-oriented metaphor).

1,338 days to go...hold steady, America.