Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Yea or nay, class! YEA or NAY!

Cole Slaw Blog is now two months old. Apparently we've been popular in Europe this week. Bienvenue and bienvenutti! To the citizens of Cole Slaw Nation at home and abroad who may not be following us closely, it's time for our monthly review, which, in honor of Ralph Williams, we call the Yea/Nay list. Let's skip the rubrics for now and get straight to the rundown.

Yea: The Hold Steady; Arrested Development; Andy Sands; the Yea/Nay list; the wonkish Inferno II; resourceful flight attendants; Rosario's pizza; brunch; filibusters;jicama; Mr. Mom; Freakonomics; Allan Seager; retarded Rosie O'Donnell; stepping on rats.

Nay: Rodney Rothman; Etros; Alex Kuczynski, the uninvestigative reporter; midget slaughter; Alex Kuczynski, the scarf-coveting, manipulative girlfriend; McDonald's commercials; Iowa House Speaker Chris Rants; the 616; Chanel at the Met; coochie couture; cloture.

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